Il giorno sab, 01/07/2017 alle 06.29 +0300, Alexander Bokovoy ha
> While there is no automatic upgrade to Samba AD is planned,
> we'd like to ensure smooth distribution upgrade.

Does this mean?

I have on Fedora 25 + samba 4.5.x rebuild with this spec modify (and
some other):

> -%global with_mitkrb5 1
> -%global with_dc 0
> +%global with_mitkrb5 0
> +%global with_dc 1

Then now I use the Heimdal Kerberos, not MIT kerberos

When fedora 27 + samba AD will come, how can I migrate the server?

Is this the right procedure?
> If you just want to replace a DC with another DC, then you only need
> to add the new DC to the domain, let replication do its thing,
> transfer any FSMO roles from the old DC to the new DC, demote old DC
> and then turn off the old DC.

Or I can move the /var/lib/samba /etc/samba and some other stuff from
old server to new server?

When the firs (beta) F27 + samba 4.7 AD will be release, I will try the
upgrade on a test virtual environment.

Let me know

Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 25 Workstation)
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