>>>>> "AW" == Adam Williamson <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> writes:

AW> That seems like, frankly, quite a weak justification for all the
AW> trouble that's involved in migrating the 'meaning' of python-foo
AW> like this (and, as Smooge pointed out, potentially doing it *again*
AW> for Python 4, if it ever happens).

Well, I'm not going get into arguing how strong a justification is.  I
only know that the python folks intend to make python-* give you python3
packages.  Can't do that with the current mess.

But really you've just provided another pretty good argument for doing
this.  Maybe in the future python4 happens and we want python-foo to
give you a python4 package.  If we get things done properly, so that
packages just never have any dependencies on python-* then that's a
macro change and a rebuild.

 - J<
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