On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Adam Williamson
<adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-06-28 at 16:21 +0200, Iryna Shcherbina wrote:
>> 2) Using `python-` instead of `python2-` in the dependencies for the
>> Python 2 binary RPM [2].
> I'm not sure this list is terribly useful, because of the above. There
> are thousands of packages that do this, because the 'python2-' provide
> is not available on some older Fedora release, or on EPEL (and the
> package is maintained for EPEL as well as Fedora). Sprinkling "if (some
> release number condition) then Requires: python2-foo else Requires:
> python-foo" all over your spec is a giant PITA and I for one am not
> very interested in doing it.
> IMHO, if there is going to be some kind of requirement that all Python
> requires be explicitly versioned, there needs to be a co-ordinated
> effort to make sure the versioned Provides are available across at
> least EL6, EL7, and all supported Fedora releases *first*.

I completely agree with Adam's sentiment here and think this is a
giant waste of time for a little bit of vanity. It's prone to errors.
I've seen and fixed numerous issues where maintainers just blanket
change/build/push without doing proper provides/obsoletes and break
things on stable releases and EL.

Most packagers have enough problems with workload without piling on a
bunch of extra unnecessary vanity bollocks that provides absolutely
ZERO value.
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