Dne 2.6.2017 v 13:03 Michael Schwendt napsal(a):
> On Thu, 01 Jun 2017 02:29:53 +0000, Christopher wrote:
>> Do you have a link to an explanation of the automated fedora-review
>> process, and/or some of these step-by-step checklists you mention?
> fedora-review is a tool and a package with the same name. You simply point
> it at a bugzilla ticket number using its -b option and let it download
> the latest src.rpm and spec file. It performs local builds in Mock and
> runs many checks on the spec file and the results. Its output is not
> complete, however, so you will need to read it carefully and attempt at
> competing the missing tests yourself.
> A primary step when reviewing packages is to clear your mind and think
> about how you would create the package. Then, what you find in the
> submitted package someone else has created, is it plausible?
> A next step would be to look up individual packaging scenarios in
> the guidelines. Such as if the package includes shared libraries, what
> do the guidelines tell about shared libs? And so on.

There also review guidelines [1] which provides basic checklist of the
most important things to check during review.


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:ReviewGuidelines
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