Thanks everyone. Good info. I'll put it to good use.
On 6/1/2017 4:33 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 1.6.2017 v 03:03 Susi Lehtola napsal(a):
On 05/31/2017 05:19 PM, Christopher wrote:
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 6:44 PM David Muse <
<>> wrote:
Hello all,
I have a fairly large package that needs review:
and I've been offered a few review swaps for it, but the trouble
is, I
don't really feel well qualified to review packages yet. I only
maintain one other package (a pre-requisite for that one above)
and it's
super simple.
Should I just jump in anyway? How is this kind of thing usually
At the risk of turning this into a "me too" thread, I want to thank
you for asking this question. I'm in the same situation. I'm not
comfortable reviewing packages yet. I'm sure there are others as
well. So, on behalf of all us in this same situation, thanks for
asking. I look forward to the advice that (hopefully) follows, from
those more experienced.
Sounds like a Catch-22: you can't get experience without reviewing
packages, but you don't want to review until you have more experience.
However, this is exactly why we have the sponsor system in place. I've
found it a good system that the sponsor should ask for a few informal
reviews from their sponsoree candidates, and the sponsor then does the
formal review, checking if the sponsoree missed anything.
Reviewing is nowadays a much simpler task than what it used to be,
thanks to the automated fedora-review process. It handles a lot of
things for you, but you still do have to go through some checklists by
I would suggest you do an informal review, and ask your sponsor, or
people on the list to check it for you.
These are good suggestions!
And I'd like to add that you can't loose anything doing informal reviews
for packages of your interest at any time.
E.g. if somebody ask for package review on this list and the package
catch your interest, then you can take a look how it is done or if you
see anything wrong and just add your feedback to the ticket. This does
not mean you need to finish the review and approved the package. The
review should be IMO collective work anyway. More eyes more see.
So my advice is "don't be afraid".
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