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On 20.02.2017 04:47, Fa Be wrote: >> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 11:29:37AM -0000, Fa Be wrote: But then you need to >> add more stuff later, right? Isn't the network install + downloading >> specifically what you want a better option anyway? > > First of all I must say I assume that the Minimal CD of CentOS provides the > GNOME Desktop like Debian #1 CD, based on this assumption, adding more stuff > is not always necessary. Don't think only to me, imagine there is many old > and network-less systems in one place which needs to a graphical environment > like GNOME for file system browsing, image viewing, trying GNOME, etc. The > Net install option is not efficient for this purpose and Live DVD has several > problems: > > 1. It is huge for people of developing and un-developed countries. > *** DVD /USB images are available and need no internet / networking beyond > LAN / NFS ( assuming local mirrors) > > 2. It need to a DVD disc and DVD ROM for install via Optical Disc Drive (ODD). > *** DVD images can and are recommended even these days to be burned to usb > via Fedora Media Creator, live-iso-to-disk, or simple dd > > 3. It is a traffic wasting option, because all the software inside it is not > necessarily used, like Libre Office, firefox, etc. > *** Using a kickstart can / does alleviate MOST of this issue -- Guides are > on the wiki for this, Secondly ( assuming root pass or sudo use is available > copy /root/anaconda-ks.cfg to somewhere in your /home/<username> space and > remove what is not needed ( That file is the kickstart that created your > presently working/installed system ( in the event you'd rather not create it > from scratch) > > 4. If Fedora can not installed on a system due to various reasons, The DVD > option is like above case, wasting network traffic. > *** Again, assuming you have media from an event OR the freemedia sub project > that is no longer an issue. > > I think I provided reasonable grounds why the Fedora project should provide > Minimal CD. Thank you > _______________________________________________ > devel mailing list -- > To unsubscribe send an email to sent via webmail, pardon lack of gpg signature. -- Corey W Sheldon ph: +1 (310).909.7672 0x8B4E89435A88E539 0x59276298D2264944 Freelance IT Consultant, Multi-Discipline Tutor Fedora AmbaNA (linuxmodder) Ameridea LLC Founder, President Find me elsewhere: "One must never underestimate the power of boredom...from which creativity and laziness are borne, which can spark great works of chaos and genius." --Anonymous "Any man willing to retreat freedom for security is deserving of neither." (Pp) -- Benjamin Franklin. This document, including attachments, is intended for the person or company named and contains confidential and/or legally privileged information. Unauthorized disclosure, copying or use of this information may be unlawful and is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this message and notify the sender.
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