Easy access to debug information is very well done in Fedora, and is one of its most empowering features. It's very easy to trace problems: 'gdb program' even prints out the 'dnf debuginfo-install' command required to load symbol tables and source for everything on the system. Thanks to that, we make it easy for the end users to get engaged finding problems and fixing bugs, which is good for everyone involved. Come to think about it, I believe we should brag about it more to prospective power users, because it's quite unique and very powerful.

Once the debuginfo is installed, however, we have a little bit of a stalemate, because the regular updates do not update the debuginfo files, so the symbols and sources get out of synch with the actual installed software. It's not a big problem---all that's required is to enable the appropriate debuginfo repos for the update, but I haven't found a really nice way of doing it. Currently I use

        dnf update --enablerepo *debuginfo

but it's a big thumb-whacking hammer: I recently ran into problems because my normally-disabled rawhide debuginfo .repo files in /etc/yum.repo.d got turned on by the above.

I believe that 'dnf update' should also update all corresponding .debuginfo packages, or at least provide an option to do so. If disk space and download bandwidth is a concern, perhaps dnf should suggest a way to delete the obsolete files as an alternative.

 What do y'all think?


Przemek Klosowski

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