On Wednesday, 30 November 2016 at 14:17, Douglas Kosovic wrote:
> On 30/11/2016, 9:38 PM, "Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski" 
> <domi...@greysector.net> wrote:
>>> 2) or map the X.Y.Z versioning to YYYYMMDD from upstream - IOW - X == Year,
>>> Y == Month, Z == Day (based on the snapshot date in the name of the source
>>> archive)
>>> 3) or set the Version to some constant (35 for example) and just use the
>>> snapshot to distinguish between older and newer releases.
>> What does the number "35" mean here, anyway?
> Each PostScript specification defines a core set of fonts:
> - PostScript 1 has 13 base fonts.
> - PostScript 2 has 35 base fonts.
> - PostScript 3 has 135 base fonts.
> So, the URW++ base35 font pack is a replacement for the 35 Adobe PostScript
> Level 2 base fonts.

Thanks for the explanation. It would be useful to put this information
in the Summary of the new package if not in the name. Definitely not in
the version field as it has nothing to do with versioning.

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