On 30/11/2016, 9:38 PM, "Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski" 
<domi...@greysector.net> wrote:

    > 2) or map the X.Y.Z versioning to YYYYMMDD from upstream - IOW - X == 
    > Y == Month, Z == Day (based on the snapshot date in the name of the source
    > archive)
    > 3) or set the Version to some constant (35 for example) and just use the
    > snapshot to distinguish between older and newer releases.
    What does the number "35" mean here, anyway?

Each PostScript specification defines a core set of fonts:
- PostScript 1 has 13 base fonts.
- PostScript 2 has 35 base fonts.
- PostScript 3 has 135 base fonts.

So, the URW++ base35 font pack is a replacement for the 35 Adobe PostScript 
Level 2 base fonts.



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