Oops, I've copied my reply to the EPEL list as requested.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 1:17 PM, Tom Boutell <t...@punkave.com> wrote:
> There is no version 2.8 of Mongo, they renamed that to 3.0 before release of 
> 3.0.
> Just to provide a sense of the thought process other EPEL7 users might be 
> going through here:
> I started researching this when I became aware that 2.6 was nearing upstream 
> end-of-life (that is now happening today).
> I was aware of the recent major version upgrade of nodejs in EPEL7, so I 
> assumed something like that was imminent. However, when I looked here:
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=802214
> I saw that there have been several patches to EPEL6 MongoDB 2.4 since it 
> reached its upstream end-of-life in March.
> So based on that evidence of prior commitment to maintaining MongoDB past 
> end-of-life, I assumed that the intention was to keep on backporting patches 
> to both 2.4 and 2.6. And I cancelled my red alert and stopped worrying about 
> transitioning to the official MongoDB repositories.
> However it sounds like Marek, as the maintainer, is saying he doesn't have 
> time to maintain 2.4 or 2.6.
> That's fair of course. Free is a very good price, and all that. (:
> For EPEL7, the upgrade seems fairly straightforward. 3.0 was really a 
> marketing switch in the name of 2.8. I have experienced few problems moving 
> projects between 3.0 and 2.6. Swapping the binaries and restarting is 
> officially supported according to the documentation. The compatibility break 
> pages are pretty short and there isn't much that would be in typical queries.
> For EPEL6, the upgrade is harder because you must first bump them to 2.6 and 
> then to 3.0, there is no support for moving directly from 2.4 to 3.0. We 
> could push out 2.6, wait a few weeks, and push out 3.0, but this would have a 
> very unsatisfactory result for people who just don't happen to upgrade during 
> those few weeks. They would get moved directly from 2.4 to 3.0 and the 
> process would not work.
> There are also more bc breaks moving from 2.4, 2.6 and above are "pickier," 
> notably a $set with no properties in the object will fail. 
> https://docs.mongodb.com/v2.6/release-notes/2.6-compatibility/#driver-compatibility-changes
> In both cases, a proper announcement is necessary.
> A fair question is whether we should move to 3.0 or 3.2. The folks 
> maintaining nodejs for EPEL chose to move from 0.10 to 6.x, skipping 4.x, 
> because one bc break is better than two.
> So what I would suggest is this:
> * Announce our intentions.
> * IN THE MEANTIME: If any really major security fails occur between now and 
> when we get this done, we grit our teeth and patch 2.4.
> * Publish a 3.0 package that refuses to install with an appropriate error 
> message if it sees 2.4 (but is fine with seeing 2.6).
> * Simultaneously publish 2.6-for-upgrading package; the instructions for 
> those with 2.4 point you to that package, and to this URL:
> https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.2/release-notes/2.6-upgrade/
> * Users must manually install the 2.6-for-upgrading package, since the 
> possible complexities of a 2.4 to 2.6 upgrade are beyond an automated 
> post-install script IMHO. Notably:
> https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.2/release-notes/2.6-upgrade/#upgrade-auth-prereq
> * Once a user succeeds in that process, they can "yum update" painlessly to 
> 3.0 like the EPEL7 people (see below).
> * Announce our intentions. I don't know how much notice is thought 
> appropriate. The nodejs maintainers gave a lot of warning, but they also knew 
> what was up way before end of life (:
> * Prepare a package for 3.0. It's a forced upgrade from 2.6.
> * Release it. If possible, print this URL after install:
> https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.2/release-notes/3.0-compatibility/
> * Done (:
> Just my suggestion — I realize I just blew into town.
> Hope we can figure this out before the next CVE!
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