There is no version 2.8 of Mongo, they renamed that to 3.0 before release of 

Just to provide a sense of the thought process other EPEL7 users might be going 
through here:

I started researching this when I became aware that 2.6 was nearing upstream 
end-of-life (that is now happening today).

I was aware of the recent major version upgrade of nodejs in EPEL7, so I 
assumed something like that was imminent. However, when I looked here:

I saw that there have been several patches to EPEL6 MongoDB 2.4 since it 
reached its upstream end-of-life in March.

So based on that evidence of prior commitment to maintaining MongoDB past 
end-of-life, I assumed that the intention was to keep on backporting patches to 
both 2.4 and 2.6. And I cancelled my red alert and stopped worrying about 
transitioning to the official MongoDB repositories.

However it sounds like Marek, as the maintainer, is saying he doesn't have time 
to maintain 2.4 or 2.6. 

That's fair of course. Free is a very good price, and all that. (:

For EPEL7, the upgrade seems fairly straightforward. 3.0 was really a marketing 
switch in the name of 2.8. I have experienced few problems moving projects 
between 3.0 and 2.6. Swapping the binaries and restarting is officially 
supported according to the documentation. The compatibility break pages are 
pretty short and there isn't much that would be in typical queries.

For EPEL6, the upgrade is harder because you must first bump them to 2.6 and 
then to 3.0, there is no support for moving directly from 2.4 to 3.0. We could 
push out 2.6, wait a few weeks, and push out 3.0, but this would have a very 
unsatisfactory result for people who just don't happen to upgrade during those 
few weeks. They would get moved directly from 2.4 to 3.0 and the process would 
not work.

There are also more bc breaks moving from 2.4, 2.6 and above are "pickier," 
notably a $set with no properties in the object will fail.

In both cases, a proper announcement is necessary.

A fair question is whether we should move to 3.0 or 3.2. The folks maintaining 
nodejs for EPEL chose to move from 0.10 to 6.x, skipping 4.x, because one bc 
break is better than two.

So what I would suggest is this:


* Announce our intentions.
* IN THE MEANTIME: If any really major security fails occur between now and 
when we get this done, we grit our teeth and patch 2.4.
* Publish a 3.0 package that refuses to install with an appropriate error 
message if it sees 2.4 (but is fine with seeing 2.6).
* Simultaneously publish 2.6-for-upgrading package; the instructions for those 
with 2.4 point you to that package, and to this URL:

* Users must manually install the 2.6-for-upgrading package, since the possible 
complexities of a 2.4 to 2.6 upgrade are beyond an automated post-install 
script IMHO. Notably:

* Once a user succeeds in that process, they can "yum update" painlessly to 3.0 
like the EPEL7 people (see below).


* Announce our intentions. I don't know how much notice is thought appropriate. 
The nodejs maintainers gave a lot of warning, but they also knew what was up 
way before end of life (:
* Prepare a package for 3.0. It's a forced upgrade from 2.6.
* Release it. If possible, print this URL after install:
* Done (:

Just my suggestion — I realize I just blew into town.

Hope we can figure this out before the next CVE!
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