On Tue, 4 Oct 2016 11:08:36 -0600
Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:


> > That being said, we're fine with either storage paradigm and it
> > doesn't matter much if we look for tasks in a directory inside
> > dist-git branches or a separate repo which only holds tasks as long
> > as there is a single convention that is easy for most contributors
> > and doesn't involve something that's unmanageable for the Taskotron
> > devs/admins.  
> Yeah, I don't have much of a horse in this race either. 
> I guess it depends on how much maintainers will find tests being
> added/edited/etc as noise or not. 

That's one of the things that I'm hoping to get figured out in this
thread so we can wrap things up and get this into production for folks
to use.

Thanks for bringing it up explicitly.



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