Sorry to take so long to get back to this.  Real Life happened and I'm
just now getting back around to this topic...

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Orion Poplawski <> wrote:
> If they broke ABI, why wasn't the soname bumped?

That's a good question.  They should have bumped it, IMO.

> I'm concerned about this last change - if I understand it correctly everything
> that link to CHOLMOD will now need to use -fopenmp as well.  I'm not
> necessarily opposed to this, but it does have larger ramifications.  I know in
> various places libraries will provide both serial and openmp versions.  I
> wonder if it's time for Fedora to work out a scheme for this, or perhaps
> simply embrace the multi-core age and accept openmp versions as standard.

Given the concerns about this change, I am not going to do it at this
time.  Regards,
Jerry James
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