On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 02:25:52PM -0000, Mary Clarke wrote:
> The Modularity working group is looking to standardize terminology that users 
> use to interact with functionality around modules.  There are some generally 
> accepted terms, but there are also some that have multiple choices for common 
> functions.  Some of the more debated options include:
> * version vs stream

This is for the labeling of, for example, separate PHP 5, 6, and 7

> * enable vs install vs select

select is the worst :)

> * Enable: enables the latest version and/or release of a module and
>            installs the rpms listed in the default profile
> * Install: performs actions to prepare modules to run

Is install a subset of enable, or does enable simply call install as a
convenience if you try to enable something that's not installed?

> * Run: run the module

What does that mean? Do I *need* to run a module? Is this like "scl
enable"? And how does this interact with "enable", for that matter?

> * Check-upgrade

list-security? (And/or check-security)?

> * Install profile
> * System profile: a config file that lives with the machine

What do profiles do?

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
devel mailing list

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