On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Ruben Kerkhof <ru...@rubenkerkhof.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 6:58 PM, Josh Boyer <jwbo...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 11:39 AM, Ruben Kerkhof <ru...@rubenkerkhof.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Josh Boyer <jwbo...@fedoraproject.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Why would you want this to be something packaged?  We have 'reboot
>>>> recommended' in our bodhi update metadata, and that seems like a much
>>>> better place for it.
>>> My guess is that 'reboot recommended' is true for each kernel update.
>> Yes, of course.  But it isn't required.
> You're right of course, we can't require anything from our users, only
> recommend they do something.
>>> What I'd like to know is if the system is booted into the latest
>>> kernel, and I need that
>>> information in an easy to consume way.
>> That's entirely separate from 'reboot recommended' or
>> 'reboot-required'.  There are many cases where a kernel update is
>> pushed out but you might not have any reason to actually boot into it.
>> I quite frequently skip non-security kernel updates if nothing else is
>> actually wrong.  We fix bugs in a large number of places, and not all
>> of those places are things your machine might care about.
> My understanding of /var/run/reboot-required in Debian is simply of
> being an indicator
> that there's a different kernel installed from the current one, and
> that you need to reboot for it to have effect.
> You're still free to not look at this file and skip kernel updates of course.
> I'm assuming (perhaps wrongly) that a majority of users just run the
> latest and greatest.
>>> Unless I misunderstand what you're proposing, in that case, can you
>>> please elaborate?
>> I can try.
>> If all you want to know is whether the most recently installed kernel
>> is running, then you can do that via a script that compares uname to
>> the output of an RPM query on the kernel package.  That's fairly
>> trivial to do.
> I have something mostly working
> (http://paste.fedoraproject.org/396520/69643975/ for those interested)
>> (I explicitly say 'most recently installed' because the kernel is odd
>> in that multiple kernels are installed and the most recently installed
>> kernel may actually not be the _newest_ kernel.)
> I hadn't thought of that, thanks.
>> However, if you are looking to know whether something (kernel or
>> otherwise) recommends rebooting, then you would want to look at the
>> update metadata.  Grub, openssl, glibc, etc can all recommend
>> rebooting for a variety of reasons.
>>>> Otherwise, you run into cases where multiple
>>>> packages want to write/own the file, etc.
>>> Hence my proposal for a reboot-required package which is the owner and
>>> writes the file.
>> Sure, but that is a lot of hassle that seems unnecessary.  Also,
>> because recommend vs. required are different, I would not be willing
>> to e.g. modify the kernel package to Require: reboot-required.  It
>> simply isn't an accurate reflection of every possibility.  Nor would I
>> be willing to add it in cases where it is required but remove it other
>> times.  That's a lot of spec file munging and it would get annoying.
> If the reboot-required package just drops a script in /etc/kernel/postinst.d,
> the kernel package doesn't need to Require: anything, or am I missing 
> something?

How does the reboot-required package get installed in the first place?
 I was assuming something during the update process would install it,
which means something has to Require it or install it in some manner.

(As an aside, I've never heard of /etc/kerne/postinst.d until now.  I
have no idea if anything even looks in there in Fedora.)

>>>> Also, I think "recommended" is really the appropriate terminology
>>>> here.  There is very little that _requires_ a reboot to be done after
>>>> it is installed.
>>> It's that little part I care very much about ;)
>> For what purpose though?  Do you care because you want to make sure
>> your software is running with all security fixes?  Do you care because
>> you want to simply be running the latest and greatest at all times?
> Primarily security fixes.

OK.  It might be beneficial to look at the update metadata anyway in
that case, to see what is labeled as a security fix.

>> Checking the update metadata could probably be done in dnf itself if
>> it isn't already.  I believe Software already looks at this flag if
>> you are using that to apply your updates.  If you simply want to
>> always be running the latest, then 'dnf update && reboot' solves that
>> need.
> In the case I've been thinking of the updates are done by us, or
> puppet, but the reboots are scheduled
> by our customers at a time which suits them. We don't always know if
> they've rebooted already
> and checking /var/run/reboot-required would be an easy way to remind them.
> For Debian / Ubuntu motd also lets them know as soon as they login, which 
> helps.

I think what you're trying to accomplish is certainly possible.  I'm
not sure the exact implementation of having it done as a separate
package is the best method, but it's a possibility I guess.

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