On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 11:39 AM, Ruben Kerkhof <ru...@rubenkerkhof.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Josh Boyer <jwbo...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> Why would you want this to be something packaged?  We have 'reboot
>> recommended' in our bodhi update metadata, and that seems like a much
>> better place for it.
> My guess is that 'reboot recommended' is true for each kernel update.

Yes, of course.  But it isn't required.

> What I'd like to know is if the system is booted into the latest
> kernel, and I need that
> information in an easy to consume way.

That's entirely separate from 'reboot recommended' or
'reboot-required'.  There are many cases where a kernel update is
pushed out but you might not have any reason to actually boot into it.
I quite frequently skip non-security kernel updates if nothing else is
actually wrong.  We fix bugs in a large number of places, and not all
of those places are things your machine might care about.

> Unless I misunderstand what you're proposing, in that case, can you
> please elaborate?

I can try.

If all you want to know is whether the most recently installed kernel
is running, then you can do that via a script that compares uname to
the output of an RPM query on the kernel package.  That's fairly
trivial to do.

(I explicitly say 'most recently installed' because the kernel is odd
in that multiple kernels are installed and the most recently installed
kernel may actually not be the _newest_ kernel.)

However, if you are looking to know whether something (kernel or
otherwise) recommends rebooting, then you would want to look at the
update metadata.  Grub, openssl, glibc, etc can all recommend
rebooting for a variety of reasons.

>> Otherwise, you run into cases where multiple
>> packages want to write/own the file, etc.
> Hence my proposal for a reboot-required package which is the owner and
> writes the file.

Sure, but that is a lot of hassle that seems unnecessary.  Also,
because recommend vs. required are different, I would not be willing
to e.g. modify the kernel package to Require: reboot-required.  It
simply isn't an accurate reflection of every possibility.  Nor would I
be willing to add it in cases where it is required but remove it other
times.  That's a lot of spec file munging and it would get annoying.

>> Also, I think "recommended" is really the appropriate terminology
>> here.  There is very little that _requires_ a reboot to be done after
>> it is installed.
> It's that little part I care very much about ;)

For what purpose though?  Do you care because you want to make sure
your software is running with all security fixes?  Do you care because
you want to simply be running the latest and greatest at all times?

Checking the update metadata could probably be done in dnf itself if
it isn't already.  I believe Software already looks at this flag if
you are using that to apply your updates.  If you simply want to
always be running the latest, then 'dnf update && reboot' solves that

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