On Mon, 30 May 2016 01:43:30 -0000
"John Dulaney" <jdula...@gnu.org> wrote:

> You know, it seems to me that systemd doing this to work around a
> Gnome problem (and a problem I have not seen outside of Gnome), is
> sort of like glibc working around a bug in Firefox and at the same
> time breaking bash.  We're taking a bug in the Gnome stack and
> putting a 'fix' in systemd that breaks all sorts of applications.  In
> turn, the 'fix' to those breakages is to add new, systemd specific
> code.  I fail to see how this is even acceptable.  I know right off
> that projects such as Mediagoblin are going to refuse to include such
> code, and rightfully so.

I've seen lingering processes/applications pretty much from all desktop
envs at various times and places. I don't think this is Gnome specific

I think it would be helpful if it could log these offenders and we
could actually gather data on them instead of speculating. 


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