On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
>> * Does 'loginctl enable-linger <user>' take effect in the current
>>   session? Or do you have to start a new one? does it persist over
>>   sessions or only affects the current/next one?
> Lingering applies to the systemd --user instance, a.k.a. systemd@.service,
> not to the session. Lingering means that systemd@.service is present
> even if you are not logged in. If lingering is disabled, it is started
> on login, and stopped on logout of that user.
> Killing processes which are part of the session (session-<n>.scope)
> doesn't have anything to do directly with lingering. It is controlled by
> the global KillUserProcesses= setting.
> The connection between KillUserProcesses= and long-running processes is
> that if KillUserProcesses=yes is set (the new default), to successfully
> create a process which survives logout two steps are needed:
> 1. move it out of the session into a systemd --user unit,
> 2. make that systemd --user instance persistent, i.e. enable lingering.
> Setting lingering is done over dbus, takes effect immediately, and is
> persistent (/var/lib/systemd/linger/<user> is created).
> Setting KillUserProcesses can be done by modifying /etc/systemd/logind.conf,
> and also takes effect immediately, if systemd-logind is reloaded
> (using SIGHUP).

Can you clarify how systemd-run --user --scope fits in to this?

While I certainly understand the motivation of running services in a
clean environment (as systemd-run without --scope would do), there are
cases where that's the wrong thing to do.  For example, if nohup were
adjusted to work in the new regime, it would *not* want a clean
environment.  But I still don't understand how scopes work, what they
have to do with lingering, whether every scope lives strictly within a
service, or pretty much anything else about them.  The
systemd.scope(5) manpage isn't particularly helpful.

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