On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:42:10 +0100, Mark wrote:

> >> ProvenPackagers are there precisely to do what it looks like happened
> >> with : http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=8618
> > 
> > Wait a minute, it's not that easy. Provenpackagers are not supposed to
> > jump in every N months, apply a fix, but leave a package unmaintained
> > for the rest of the time. Such a package should become an orphan and be
> > assigned to a new maintainer.
> Yes, but they are supposed to fix significant issue like Perl packages
> which FTBFS after a PERL version update

They _may_ fix those packages (it's described in the Wiki *when* a fix may
be considered important), but what kind of fix they apply may be subject
to prior discussion.

Some types of packages may be trivial to fix with/without a version
upgrade. For other packages a version upgrade could result in further
"significant issues". Something a dedicated maintainer would need to take
care of and not just an arbitrary provenpackager, who happens to notice
"issues" after N weeks/months.

> if the maintainer doesn't. 

The important thing to find out would be why "the maintainer doesn't"
fix issues, which are considered "significant."

> Or long standing bugs with NO comments from the developers. 

Which *could* imply that the package is unmaintained. Not always, because
tickets could be useless, but somebody to look into it would be good.
Currently, at dist end-of-life, valid bug reports are killed by scripts
without anyone fixing the bugs.

> Should they
> also then kick off the orphaning process would be a question for FESCo

It depends and is beyond the scope of this thread (because of a poorly
chosen Subject line).
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