On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 02:33 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Roberto Ragusa wrote:
> > In recent times some stupid (IMHO) ideas have been adopted in Linux
> > just to copy what others do. Just as examples: the control of desktop
> > widgets in KDE4 (functional GUI elements modified by a mouse-over???),
> I only know of 2 plasmoids triggering actions on mouse-over:
> * the folder view's popping up of subfolders. This is not an active action, 
> it's just displaying stuff, I don't see how this is fundamentally different 
> from a tooltip. You don't actually CHANGE anything in the folders or files 
> without a mouse click, it just shows you stuff.
> * Lancelot's clickless mode. While those are true actions (i.e. they're 
> active), this mode is a deliberate OPTION (i.e. it can be turned off) in a 
> plasmoid which is not shown by default, nor even INSTALLED by default (it's 
> in kdeplasma-addons).
> I don't think either is a real problem.
> > the fast-user-switching approach (the Unix way is to have
> > multiple X servers).
> FWIW, KDE/KDM uses the "multiple X servers" approach. There are advantages 
> and drawbacks to either method. Unfortunately, the different approaches mean 
> user switching doesn't work with KDE under GDM nor with GNOME under KDM, 
> which is the only real problem I see in that area (and one of my semi-secret 
> plans is to try to fix this at some point one way or the other, but I'm way 
> too busy).

So does gdm use multiple X servers, I wasn't aware there was any other


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