Roberto Ragusa wrote: > - having control of the mixer The KMix ALSA backend is not going away.
> I need to change firewalls rules and routing rules in the middle of the > init scripts, because I have a multihomed internet connection and remote > filesystems and I need the firewall closed and then opened in a way which > is dependent on the IP I got from the ISP Ugh! Are you sure there's no better solution?! > and I need a "sleep 5" in a proper place because the ADSL modem is still > booting its firmware This is a completely broken workaround for a bug somewhere. The driver needs to wait for the firmware to be loaded before reporting ready status, and network startup should not report being complete before the driver is ready. We need to get the bug fixed so this works out of the box for everyone! "sleep" is always a bad and unreliable way to do synchronization. Plus, you're blocking the whole system startup for 5 seconds rather than just what depends on networking, because neither SysVInit nor Upstart's SysVInit compatibility mode are capable of parallel booting (whereas systemd is, even in SysVInit compatibility mode thanks to LSB initscript headers, but even more so with native configuration which Lennart is writing). > and I want some output printed to /dev/tty1 during boot You can probably set up simple systemd config files for that using the dependency system, but… ugh! > and I want some filesystems to be mounted with "mount &" because they take > time but only contain data not needed to boot This point is moot with a parallel init system such as systemd! ALL mounts in systemd are background tasks, and autofs magic is used to block accesses to mountpoints which are not ready until they become ready. Kevin Kofler -- devel mailing list