On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 10:23:05PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Xose Vazquez Perez <xose.vazq...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Can it be updated to upstream version in rawhide ?
> I've been told (though this may well be inaccurate) that the LSB
> requires libjpeg 6b.  If so, that would pose a problem for adopting
> the non-ABI-compatible version 8.  In any case I'm not eager to force
> a recompile of everything that depends on it ...
Regarding the possibility of parallel installing, I just did a test compile
of jpeg-8b; Looks like it creates a library with SONAME of libjpeg.so.8 and
our current libjpeg which has libjpeg.so.62


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