On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 10:23:05PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Xose Vazquez Perez <xose.vazq...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Can it be updated to upstream version in rawhide ?
> I've been told (though this may well be inaccurate) that the LSB
> requires libjpeg 6b.  If so, that would pose a problem for adopting
> the non-ABI-compatible version 8.
We don't seem to have any policy, guidelines, or even any mailing list
discussions that I can recall that tell us to what extent LSB compliance is
something we have to watch out for in Fedora.  Perhaps we need to have that
discussion and then decide whether we need to parallel install 8b or not.

> In any case I'm not eager to force
> a recompile of everything that depends on it ...
This is not at all a blocker criteria for rawhide at the beginning of the
release cycle.... We do practically whole distro rebuilds for gcc updates;
doing a rebuild for things that depend on libjpeg is not a big deal compared
to that.


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