Adam Williamson wrote: > I think a rather large part of the problem here is that all the above > 'special exception' pleading applies far more to Firefox than it does to > Thunderbird. Firefox is a special exception; it's a phenomenon, the > single most successful F/OSS app, an app with its own very definite > distinct identity which many people know. It clearly does have a > reputation to protect and I can entirely agree with it being very > careful about that. > > Thunderbird...uhhh, not so much. It's nowhere near as popular as > Firefox. Most people don't know what it is. It's not really a 'special > exception'; it's just another application like the ten gazillion others > we ship which don't have onerous trademark restrictions attached. > > I think it'd be appropriate for Mozilla to take a rather more liberal > line with Thunderbird than it does with Firefox, if that's legally > plausible.
Agreed, but I think even Firefox doesn't deserve this kind of preferential treatment. In fact, I don't see Firefox as being the "absolute requirement" it's painted to be at all, we could even consider just not shipping it at all and picking a different default browser for the GNOME spin, e.g. Epiphany which is the official GNOME browser. (The KDE spin already does not ship Firefox, we default to Konqueror.) It's just a web browser. Kevin Kofler -- devel mailing list