On 04/25/2010 01:37 PM, Matthias Clasen wrote:

> I think you are grossly misjudging the relative visibility and
> importance of the Firefox and Fedora brands... nobody knows what Fedora
> is, while most computer users will have at least heard about Firefox.

  Agreed a fortiori - in fact everyone I know chooses the browser and
mail client by name and definitely not by function.

  If it was fedora branded then I'd guess a goodly chunk would just go
and install the upstream anyway coz they would not know nor trust the
browser called 'Fedora-Browser' or whatever.

  Those wishing to use firefox will use firefox - those wishing to use
google-chrome will use it (in spite of chromium sounding similar by the
by, it was far less functional).

 To be honest - i had never heard of iceweasel (yeh I get the name now)
until this thread .. but I sure have heard of firefox/thunderbird.

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