On 03/18/2010 12:58 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 03/18/2010 06:27 PM, Terry Barnaby wrote:
>> As part of a Fedora release I would have thought that part of the
>> test schedule would be to load and view some test documents with
>> openoffice on a set number of platforms (Different graphics chipsets).
>> This would likely have picked this up ...
> With the current list of major new features, the test days don't cover
> anything like this.  If you are interested and want to volunteer, that
> would be very helpful.
> Rahul

Although I am willing to help test, and have taken part in Fedora testing
days, I personally feel that the current apparent climate in Fedora
(frequent releases, pushing new features fast and perhaps now pushing
updates more quickly) will make testing difficult and stability difficult
to achieve and very hard work. I'm not sure I want to use significant
amounts of my time battling that ....

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