On 14/03/10 16:29, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Terry Barnaby wrote:
>> Last night I was helping some school kids with a powerpoint presentation
>> they had written. They had, not un-reasoanbly, used FontWork titles.
>> Under F12 with OpenOffice 3.1 it took 3 minutes to load the 10 slide file
>> and about 1 minute between slides. Editing was basically impossible.
>> I had to go back to a F8 system OpenOffice 2.x system to edit the FontWork
>> out. How on earth did this "release" get out (Fedora/OpenOffice ??) ??
>> This is just one of many basic issues I and others have had with Fedora
>> recently.
> OO.o 3.1 wasn't even an update, F12 shipped with it, so this is completely
> off topic here.
> Kevin Kofler
Yes, I guess this paragraph of my email, is a bit of topic, but I think
still related. It is saying that even Fedora "releases" appear to have too
little testing prior to release. The move to have less tested updates as
well is moving even more in this direction in my eyes...
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