On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 12:19:37AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> Have you tried to buy a replacement PATA disk lately, particularly one no
> larger than the 2^28  ATA-5 addressing limit?

No.  I haven't tried buying a replacement 386 lately, either.

> The bother is that it looks like HD makers will have their way with
> 512 as they have with PATA, forcing a lot of otherwise useful hardware
> into landfills prematurely.

Recycling vs. landfills is an entirely different discussion, but I have
been happy to get rid of PATA drives.  My only complaint about SATA
drives is that they are still too slow, too small, too expensive, and
too power-hungry.

But I'm still missing the main point.  Should Fedora avoid supporting
4KB sectors just because some users might not notice any improvement?

Andrew McNabb
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