On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 08:33:16PM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2010/03/10 20:19 (GMT-0500) Ric Wheeler composed:

> > And power consumption will go down as you won't need as many platters :-)
> Not materially for those whose needs are already down to less than one
> platter. MultiGHz, Multicore CPUs consume magnitudes more power than HDs.

There are also a lot of low-power systems that use a HD, e.g. tv
recorders or home entertainment systems. Also if you use some of the
recently available ARM base plug computers, the power consumption of one
HD makes a lot of difference compared to the remaining system. E.g. a
SheevaPlug[0] consumes 2.3W in idle mode or 7W with full CPU according
to wikipedia and running Fedora on it is supported within the secondary
archs project.


[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SheevaPlug

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