On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 23:11 +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:

> Either we (package maintainers) are qualified to make sane decisions
> about our package or we are not. I don't really see a middle ground
> here.

Being qualified to do something does not mean that one always does it
perfectly. Almost everyone's qualified to drive, yet road traffic
accidents happen _all the time_. The people who built the LHC were no
doubt qualified to do yet, yet it turns out to be a bit broken. You can
pull examples from literally every sphere of human experience.

People make mistakes - even qualified people, even super-proficient
people who make far fewer mistakes than *most* people. This is why we do

You're behind the debate, in any case; Matthew's proposal was not
accepted by FESCo at the meeting. No proposal was fully accepted, but
FESCo asked everyone to go and work from Bill Nottingham's proposal
(which, if you look at it, is far more moderate) for further review next
week. But I thought it was important to make the general point. Being
qualified to do something does not mean that you will always do it
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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