On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 11:12:11PM +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:

>> If Fesco is aiming at getting rid of all the pesky packagers maintaining low
>> profile packages: You're well on your way.
> So, no, that's not the intent and it's realised that this is a problem. 
> We need to work on making it easier for users to see that there are 
> available testing updates and give feedback on them. This is clearly 
> going to take a while, 

And even if that would be in place (for example by counting
non-fas-account bodhi feedback - it isn't counted currently) we would
still have the case where a maintainer cannot fix something that is
obviously broken without a) pestering others to 'vote for it' or b)
claiming that it is a security fix.

> and there'd undoubtedly going to be some difficulty in getting updates
> for more niche packages through as a result.

All I can say is that if your proposal is accepted, that will mean that
I can no longer do my job as a packager (of a few low-profile packages).

If others can live with only ever updating things in rawhide then that's
fine - that's not something I feel I can do and neither can I be
bothered to lobby others to +1 my updates (or create 2 or 3 fake fas
accounts to push the updates through on my own).

> If people have further suggestions for how we can increase the testing 
> base then that would be awesome, but the status quo really doesn't 
> seem sustainable.

First of all: Make sure a FAS account isn't required to give feedback
and second: don't try to punish the 98% of the packagers that are doing
the right thing to make sure the 2% screwing up are stopped.

sven === jabber/xmpp: s...@lankes.net
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