Till Maas wrote:
> I'll remember this. But why don't you use a special tag for this instead
> of a buildroot override? I believe this question is not answered and I
> even might have asked it once in IRC. ;-)

Because, as has been said earlier in this thread, special tags also have 
their problems:
* explosion of special tags. If we had used a special tag for all the KDE 
upgrades (which all needed buildroot overrides, or would have under the 
current procedure) since F12 Alpha (which had 4.3.0), we'd now have:
== beta was here (so the above didn't need buildroot overrides under the old 
system), F12 final also shipped with 4.3.2 ==
For F11, (counting from Beta because that was the old system with 
Alpha/Beta/Preview), we'd have all these plus 4 more (4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 
If every grouped update did that, Koji would be littered with special tags.
* problems with merging from the special tags (what if dist-f12-kde440 and 
dist-f12-someotherlib123 both carry their own rebuilds of, say, compiz? It 
might not even get noticed if they're on different special tags. Depending 
on which of the builds "wins", one or the other dependency will be broken)

        Kevin Kofler

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