Till Maas wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 03:28:37PM +0100, Christoph Wickert wrote:
>> Take KDE for example: Although the KDE SIG is doing a great job in
>> avoiding breakdowns, I doubt that each and every maintainer of a QT or
>> KDE app is always aware of the changes before they happen. If things
>> still seem to be working in F-13 or rawhide, he might not even be aware
>> of the custom tag.
> Yes, I know, because I co-maintain a package using qt and I recently
> read something from the maintainer that he can not push a bugfix update
> to stable, because a qt override is in the buildroot.

The solution there is to talk to us, we can get the Qt 4.6 stuff off the 
buildroot for a while so he can build his bugfix update. That's what 
#fedora-kde is for. (IRC is the best communication method for this stuff 
because it's real time, please use it!)

        Kevin Kofler

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