Le samedi 06 février 2010 15:53:03, Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus a écrit :
> On Sa, 2010-02-06 at 14:08 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> [...]
> > I'm happy about every detailed backtrace I get, but I would be even more
> > happy if users contributed a tiny bit more and added comments to their
> > tickets and responded to NEEDINFO queries and gave feedback on Test
> > Updates.  ABRT has lowered the hurdle so much that people dump generated
> > reports into bugzilla but otherwise they appear like /dev/null and only
> > show rarely that they care about a package.
> On the one hand I agree with you on the other hand I see it from an
> users point of view and feel a bit in a pickle. For example, every
> second login gnome-panel crashes, removes Gnote from the panel and ABRT
> shows me a core dump. I cannot reproduce this problem except from a
> logout and login. So I cannot provide a detailed description what was
> going on and how to reproduce it (except as I already said: logout and
> login). But since it crashes that frequently I decided to report it
> anyway just in the hope that the package maintainer sees from the
> backtrace what is going wrong. Maybe this is not the best thing to do
> but after a couple of weeks seeing the red flash light several times a
> day you go crazy ;-)

Same for me. I reported a crash in abrt-gui, without knowing what has caused 
it, with the hope that the maintainer can understand that from the backtrace.

Laurent Rineau
devel mailing list

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