On Sat, 06 Feb 2010 10:53:14 +0000, Leigh wrote:

> IMO ABRT isn't that useful as a lot of the reports don't include steps
> to reproduce (I just close the bugs after a month if they don't respond
> to the "needinfo" request).
> I believe ABRT shouldn't file a bug report unless it is filled in
> properly.

Yeah, some of us have pointed out that before.

I'm happy about every detailed backtrace I get, but I would be even more
happy if users contributed a tiny bit more and added comments to their
tickets and responded to NEEDINFO queries and gave feedback on Test
Updates.  ABRT has lowered the hurdle so much that people dump generated
reports into bugzilla but otherwise they appear like /dev/null and only
show rarely that they care about a package.
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