On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 05:33:02PM -0500, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 04:16:30PM -0600, Mike McGrath wrote:
>> On Tue, 2 Feb 2010, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>> >
>> > > Not to reduce the debate to too much of a soundbite, but it almost
>> > > seems like attempting to decide whether we want Fedora to be Debian,
>> > > or to be something useful for users of it. I'd always pick the latter...
>> > >
>> > The problem with this sound bite is that Fedora Project and Fedora product
>> > get mixed up.  Users use a Fedora product.  The Fedora Project attracts the
>> > contributors who make various Fedora products.  You can't continue to be an
>> > attractive place for people wanting to experiment with creating different
>> > visions that don't necessarily appeal to the target audience if they're
>> > always going to be a second class citizen.
>> >
>> These are 3 if's and they're impossible to say for sure right now but over
>> time we'll know:
>> If we don't have a coherent vision for what our products are and who they
>> are for..
>Let's cut this off right at the top :-)  If a vision for what our products
>are is a problem why don't we have the people producing the products explain
>their vision?  I keep saying that vision for products needs to come from the
>people producing those products, not from the Board or FESCo.
>I agree with things like Robin's statement of how having a target audience
>helps to market a product.  What I think is wrong is to have the Fedora Board
>define the target audience that then constrains all of the products that
>Fedora produces.

What?  No.  The Board has defined a default spin, and is working on a target
audience for the default Spin.  The Board has explicitly declared that SPINS
are ALLOWED to define their OWN target audience.

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