Przemek Klosowski wrote:
> Spins make sense when there is a deep-reaching feature that touches a
> majority of packages on the system. Examples include:
> - the desktop environment with all the supporting runtime libs

… and applications!

Our spins also select core applications (file manager, text editor, web 
browser, word processor etc.) which are part of the desktop environment.

> I don't understand why 'Electronic Design Lab' is a separate spin: if I
> install all the EDA-related packages that it contains, would I not get
> an equivalent capability?

Yes, but having a spin with them already on it is much simpler for its 
target audience. (That said, I wouldn't use it since they moved away from 
KDE to GNOME. :-/ If I needed FEL, I'd rather either groupinstall their 
comps group on a KDE spin install or install individual apps.)

        Kevin Kofler

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