Thank you for your feedback, Ard Biesheuvel.

After reviewing the UEFI Specification our interpretation is that because it is 
now optional to support any of the EFI Runtime Services, the 
EFI_RT_PROPERTIES_TABLE needs to be published for the caller at runtime to know 
which runtime services have been implemented.

What we are testing in this patch is whether the EFI_RT_PROPERTIES_TABLE has 
been installed and whether the RuntimeServicesSupported value has been 
populated to reflect which optional runtime services are implemented.

> 34. If a platform cannot support calls defined in EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES
> after
> ExitBootServices() is called, that platform is permitted to provide
> implementations of those
> runtime services that return EFI_UNSUPPORTED when invoked at runtime. On
> such systems, an
> EFI_RT_PROPERTIES_TABLE configuration table should be published describing
> which runtime services
> are supported at runtime

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