Hello All,

I am a firmware engineer at HPI, and I would like to make a patch contribution 
to the tianocore/edk2-test project.

The patch consists of adding a new test case to the UEFI Self-Certified Test 
project. Specifically, it adds two new test cases

to validate the EFI_RT_PROPERTIES_TABLE that was introduced in the UEFI 
Specification version 2.9. The two cases are,

  1.  Validate that the EFI_RT_PROPERTIES_TABLE is installed,
  2.  Validate that the EFI_RT_PROPERTIES_TABLE .RuntimeServicesSupported 
variable is populated.

Files Modified:


Best Regards,
Ronal Hernandez
CMIT NB RnD - Firmware Engineer | HP Inc. [cid:image001.png@01DB463D.9BE50AF0] 

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