On Wed, 4 Sept 2024 at 13:39, <pierre.gond...@arm.com> wrote:
> From: Pierre Gondois <pierre.gond...@arm.com>
> Juno's RngLib implementation is:
> - BaseRngLib.inf if a secure RngLib is enforced
> - BaseRngLibTimerLib.inf if a non-secure RngLib is tolerated
> BaseRngLib.inf relies on the Arm's RNDR instruction. The instruction
> returns a DRBG-generated random number. The DRBG used is considered
> as secure.
> The RNDR instruction is available if FEAT_RNG is set. The Juno doesn't
> support it.
> When security is enforced (i.e. ENABLE_UNSAFE_RNGLIB is not set),
> the Juno cannot generate secure random numbers through the RngLib.
> Secure random numbers could be generated by using the Juno's TRNG.
> This can be done by:
> - using the RngDxeLib implementation of the RngLib
> - RngDxeLib relies on the RngDxe
> - the RngDxe has access to the TRNG
> Pierre Gondois (3):
>   Platform/ARM: Place MdeLibs.dsc.inc as the first include
>   Platform/ARM: Move PcdEnforceSecureRngAlgorithms to MdePkg
>   Platform/ARM/Juno: Use DxeRngLib.inf as default RngLib implementation

Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <a...@kernel.org>

Please ping me when this can be merged.

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