From: Pierre Gondois <>

Juno's RngLib implementation is:

- BaseRngLib.inf if a secure RngLib is enforced
- BaseRngLibTimerLib.inf if a non-secure RngLib is tolerated

BaseRngLib.inf relies on the Arm's RNDR instruction. The instruction
returns a DRBG-generated random number. The DRBG used is considered
as secure.
The RNDR instruction is available if FEAT_RNG is set. The Juno doesn't
support it.

When security is enforced (i.e. ENABLE_UNSAFE_RNGLIB is not set),
the Juno cannot generate secure random numbers through the RngLib.
Secure random numbers could be generated by using the Juno's TRNG.
This can be done by:

- using the RngDxeLib implementation of the RngLib
- RngDxeLib relies on the RngDxe
- the RngDxe has access to the TRNG

Pierre Gondois (3):
  Platform/ARM: Place as the first include
  Platform/ARM: Move PcdEnforceSecureRngAlgorithms to MdePkg
  Platform/ARM/Juno: Use DxeRngLib.inf as default RngLib implementation

 Platform/ARM/JunoPkg/ArmJuno.dsc              | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
 Platform/ARM/Morello/MorelloPlatformFvp.dsc   |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/N1Sdp/N1SdpPlatform.dsc          |  2 +-
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdE1Edge/RdE1Edge.dsc     |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdN1Edge/RdN1Edge.dsc     |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdN1EdgeX2/RdN1EdgeX2.dsc |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdN2/RdN2.dsc             |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdN2Cfg1/RdN2Cfg1.dsc     |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdN2Cfg2/RdN2Cfg2.dsc     |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdN2Cfg3/RdN2Cfg3.dsc     |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdV1/RdV1.dsc             |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdV1Mc/RdV1Mc.dsc         |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/RdV3/RdV3.dsc             |  6 +++---
 Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/Sgi575/Sgi575.dsc         |  6 +++---
 .../VExpressPkg/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64.dsc   |  2 +-
 Platform/ARM/VExpressPkg/  |  2 +-
 16 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)


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