I've always found that logic rather bizarre - there is no way the
implementation of the raw protocol can ensure that the caller uses it
correctly, and so enforcing a minimum read size is pointless and
arbitrary. And as you note, it has no basis in the UEFI spec either.

So this should just be removed imo.

On Wed, 8 May 2024 at 22:40, Doug Flick via groups.io
<dougflick=microsoft....@groups.io> wrote:
> Ard,
> I went ahead an added your suggestion to use gEfiRngAlgorithmRaw. This 
> however led me to discover a difference in behavior in x86 based platforms 
> and Arm based platforms and I'm usure which is the correct behavior.
> On x86 based platforms, if the RngValueLength being requested is less than 32 
> (256bits). Then it returns EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER (despite the function header 
> not indicating that's possible) 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/b82c9631da39ca5a1f0702185a46fea60446dd0a/SecurityPkg/RandomNumberGenerator/RngDxe/Rand/RngDxe.c#L123
> and it assumes that "When a Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) is used 
> on the output of a (raw) entropy source, its security level must be at least 
> 256 bits." means it shouldn't support requests smaller than 32 bytes. 
> https://uefi.org/specs/UEFI/2.10/37_Secure_Technologies.html#random-number-generator-protocol
> On Arm based Platforms it doesn't make this assumption and behaves according 
> to the specification. 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/b82c9631da39ca5a1f0702185a46fea60446dd0a/SecurityPkg/RandomNumberGenerator/RngDxe/ArmRngDxe.c#L106C35-L106C54
> Right now my thought is that x86 machines are making an incorrect assumption 
> where the seed to a DRNG needs to be at least 256 bits by nist 
> recommendations but a caller should be free to request values smaller than 32 
> bytes.
> Would you assume the same before I make a change to the x86 code to remove 
> that check?

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