I don't disagree. The intent is not to be limited by NIST specified standards but rather the only UEFI Spec defined algorithms are NIST Standards.
https://uefi.org/specs/UEFI/2.10/37_Secure_Technologies.html#efi-rng-algorithm-definitions I'm not sure what's the best way to clarify this distinction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#118698): https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/118698 Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/105983246/21656 Group Owner: devel+ow...@edk2.groups.io Unsubscribe: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/unsub [arch...@mail-archive.com] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-