Hi Mike,
I've seen that repo in that past.
Are the steps defined for what's needed to move to CODEWONERS (and
REVIEWERS) in terms of technical and process changes needed?
For example, could we start with CODEOWNERS manually synced to
Maintainers.txt, Maintainers.txt dropped, and then add REVIEWERS in the
future with additional actions to verify file coverage, etc.?
On 5/2/2024 12:24 PM, Michael D Kinney wrote:
Hi Michael,
I have a version of the auto assignment working, but needs to be
migrated to TianoCore and synced with the latest Maintainers.txt.
My experience getting this running even as a POC was that it took a lot
of effort to make sure the best security practices were followed and
to configure the empty GitHub App with tokens and permissions. Anytime
custom actions are added, resources to implement, validate, and
support if they ever fail must be in place.
My question is if there is a manual process that can be used to
start and these type of automations can be added over time as
dedicated resources are identified.
Dionna's feedback about contributors not being able to add reviewers
to a PR is correct. Contributors that are not members of the
EDK II Maintainers or EDK II Reviewers teams will either need to wait
for a Maintainer or Reviewer to add reviewers, or the contributor must
be added as an "outside collaborator" by an admin. For a manual process
this would require Maintainers to monitor new PRs and make sure the
correct set of Maintainers and Reviewers are added. Perhaps the
contributor can include @GitHubId mentions in the PR for the required
maintainers/reviewers so there are email notifications.
Details on the auto assignment POC
It uses CODEOWNERS so maintainers are auto assigned and can use GitHub
features to prevent merges without maintainer approval. The idea is to
minimize the custom behavior and use as many built-in GitHub features as
possible. It then reuses the CODEOWNERS syntax for a new file called
REVIEWERS along with some GitHub Actions to auto assign reviewers. The
actions are run by a registered empty GitHub application so it has a
TianoCore organization bot that is executing the actions with TianoCore
org permissions instead of an individual TianoCore member permissions.
Example PR with the bot with the name "tianocore-assign-reviewers"
performing assignments:
It was activated on this repo to run experiments:
Example CODEOWNERS file:
Example REVIEWERS file using same format as CODEOWNERS
Action to assign reviewers from REVIEWERS file:
Depends on: https://github.com/mdkinney/github-action-assign-reviewers
Action to verify that all files in a repo have CODEOWNES coverage
Action to verify that Maintainers.txt, CODEOWNERS, and REVIEWERS are synced.
This is to support transition from using Maintainers.txt to using CODEOWNERS
and REVIEWERS and can be dropped when Maintainers.txt is removed.
Depends on:
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kubacki <mikub...@linux.microsoft.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 8:21 AM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; quic_llind...@quicinc.com;
marcin.juszkiew...@linaro.org; Kinney, Michael D
<michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; r...@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Leif Lindholm <l...@nuviainc.com>; Andrew Fish (af...@apple.com)
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] Proposal to switch TianoCore Code Review from
email to GitHub Pull Requests on 5-24-2024
On 5/2/2024 6:34 AM, Leif Lindholm wrote:
On 2024-05-02 07:33, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
W dniu 1.05.2024 o 19:43, Michael D Kinney via groups.io pisze:
I would like to propose that TianoCore move all code review from
based code reviews to GitHub Pull Requests based code reviews.
The proposed date to switch would be immediately after the next
tag which is currently scheduled for May 24, 2024.
O yes! Fully for it!
Does it mean edk2 only or edk2/edk2-platforms/edk2-non-osi and other
tianocore/ repositories?
I don't see why we couldn't switch all of them. Other than we need to
get all the Maintainers.txt updated with code forge usernames first.
We may want to do one at a time though.
* The Pull Request submitter is required to invite the required
maintainers and reviewers to the pull request. This is the same
set of maintainers and reviewers that are required to be listed
Cc: tags in today's process.
That can be done by github action started automatically after opening
PR. May require changes to GetMaintainer.py script. Would be good to
have in case someone forget to add one of maintainers.
Also would be nice to have a bot running PatchCheck and uncrustify on
Yes, this would need to be in a GitHub workflow so it could parse the
file and ultimately use the GitHub API to add the maintainers. As I
mentioned in another email, my team has experience doing this and we're
happy to help where we can.
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