On 5/2/2024 6:34 AM, Leif Lindholm wrote:
On 2024-05-02 07:33, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
W dniu 1.05.2024 o 19:43, Michael D Kinney via groups.io pisze:
I would like to propose that TianoCore move all code review from email
based code reviews to GitHub Pull Requests based code reviews.

The proposed date to switch would be immediately after the next stable
tag which is currently scheduled for May 24, 2024.

O yes! Fully for it!

Does it mean edk2 only or edk2/edk2-platforms/edk2-non-osi and other tianocore/ repositories?

I don't see why we couldn't switch all of them. Other than we need to get all the Maintainers.txt updated with code forge usernames first.

We may want to do one at a time though.


* The Pull Request submitter is required to invite the required
   maintainers and reviewers to the pull request. This is the same
   set of maintainers and reviewers that are required to be listed in
   Cc: tags in today's process.

That can be done by github action started automatically after opening PR. May require changes to GetMaintainer.py script. Would be good to have in case someone forget to add one of maintainers.

Also would be nice to have a bot running PatchCheck and uncrustify on PR.

Yes, this would need to be in a GitHub workflow so it could parse the file and ultimately use the GitHub API to add the maintainers. As I mentioned in another email, my team has experience doing this and we're happy to help where we can.

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