Thanks Ray, I missed to add some already reviewed-by tag in v4. All V4 patches 
are tested & acted by Gerd:
Tested-by: Gerd Hoffmann <<>>

Acked-by: Gerd Hoffmann <<>>

For each one: listed as below, *so need Ray "reviewed-by" tag on the patch: 
05/06/14, need Gerd "reviewed-by" tag on the patch:  08/09/10/11/12*

  [PATCH v4 01/14] UefiCpuPkg: Add SmmRelocationLib class
Reviewed-by: Ray Ni <<>>  --> no change 
compared to V3

  [PATCH v4 02/14] UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Add SmmRelocationLib library 
Reviewed-by: Ray Ni <<>> --> no change 
compared to V3

  [PATCH v4 03/14] UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Rename global variables
Reviewed-by: Ray Ni <<>> --> no change 
compared to V3

 [PATCH v4 04/14]  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Avoid unnecessary memory 
Reviewed-by: Ray Ni <<>> --> no change 
compared to V3

  [PATCH v4 05/14] UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Remove unnecessary global 
  [PATCH v4 06/14] UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Remove unnecessary CpuIndex
* Change Based on Ray's comment on V3: split the removal of CpuIndex parameter 
in a new patch, so add the 06 patch in V4.*

  [PATCH v4 07/14] UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Add library instance for AMD
Reviewed-by: Abdul Lateef Attar <> --> no change 
compared to V3

  [PATCH v4 08/14] OvmfPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Add library instance for OVMF
  [PATCH v4 09/14] OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Create gEfiSmmSmramMemoryGuid
  [PATCH v4 10/14]  OvmfPkg: Refine SmmAccess implementation
  [PATCH v4 11/14] OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Check Smbase Relocation is done 
or not
  [PATCH v4 12/14] OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Relocate SmBases in PEI phase
*Change Based on Gerd's  comment on V3: 1. Creating the 
EFI_SMM_SMRAM_MEMORY_GUID HOB should be moved to its own function.  2) refine 
the comment in SmmAccess 3) refine the commit log.*

  [PATCH v4 13/14] UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc: Include SmmRelocationLib
Reviewed-by: Gua Guo <>
Reviewed-by: Guo Dong <>

  [PATCH v4 14/14] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove SmBases relocation logic
*Change Based on Ray's comment on V3: move the "TileSize" check just below the 
original TileSize calculation logic*


From: Ni, Ray <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 2:01 PM
To: Wu, Jiaxin <>;
Cc: Zeng, Star <>; Gerd Hoffmann <>; Kumar, 
Rahul R <>; Dong, Guo <>; Rhodes, Sean 
<>; Lu, James <>; Guo, Gua 
<>; Ard Biesheuvel <>; Yao, Jiewen 
<>; Abdul Lateef Attar <>; Abner 
Chang <>; Tom Lendacky <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH v4 00/14] Add SmmRelocationLib

You need to add the missing Reviewed-by for each patch if the patch doesn't 
change in V4.

Can you reply to this mail to list what patches have already got Reviewed-by 
from whom?

From: Wu, Jiaxin <<>>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 20:17
Cc: Ni, Ray <<>>; Zeng, Star 
<<>>; Gerd Hoffmann 
<<>>; Kumar, Rahul R 
<<>>; Dong, Guo 
<<>>; Rhodes, Sean 
<<>>; Lu, James 
<<>>; Guo, Gua 
<<>>; Ard Biesheuvel 
<<>>; Yao, Jiewen 
<<>>; Abdul Lateef Attar 
<<>>; Abner Chang 
<<>>; Tom Lendacky 
Subject: [PATCH v4 00/14] Add SmmRelocationLib


Intel plans to separate the smbase relocation logic from
PiSmmCpuDxeSmm driver, and the related behavior will be
moved to the new interface defined by the SmmRelocationLib

The SmmRelocationLib class provides the SmmRelocationInit()
interface for platform to do the smbase relocation, which
shall provide below 2 functionalities:
1. Relocate smbases for each processor.
2. Create the gSmmBaseHobGuid HOB.

With SmmRelocationLib, PiSmmCpuDxeSmm driver (which runs at
a later phase) can be simplfied as below for SMM init:
1. Consume the gSmmBaseHobGuid HOB for the relocated smbases
for each Processor.
2. Execute the early SMM Init.

Cc: Ray Ni <<>>
Cc: Zeng Star <<>>
Cc: Gerd Hoffmann <<>>
Cc: Rahul Kumar <<>>
Cc: Guo Dong <<>>
Cc: Sean Rhodes <<>>
Cc: James Lu <<>>
Cc: Gua Guo <<>>
Cc: Ard Biesheuvel <<>>
Cc: Jiewen Yao <<>>
Cc: Abdul Lateef Attar 
Cc: Abner Chang <<>>
Cc: Tom Lendacky <<>>
Signed-off-by: Jiaxin Wu <<>>

Jiaxin Wu (14):
  UefiCpuPkg: Add SmmRelocationLib class
  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Add SmmRelocationLib library instance
  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Rename global variables
  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Avoid unnecessary memory allocation
  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Remove unnecessary global variable
  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Remove unnecessary CpuIndex
  UefiCpuPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Add library instance for AMD
  OvmfPkg/SmmRelocationLib: Add library instance for OVMF
  OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Create gEfiSmmSmramMemoryGuid
  OvmfPkg: Refine SmmAccess implementation
  OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Check Smbase Relocation is done or not
  OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Relocate SmBases in PEI phase
  UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc: Include SmmRelocationLib
  UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove SmBases relocation logic

 OvmfPkg/AmdSev/AmdSevX64.dsc                       |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/CloudHv/CloudHvX64.dsc                     |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/MemDetect.c        | 135 +++--
 .../Library/PlatformInitLib/PlatformInitLib.inf    |   6 +-
 .../Library/SmmCpuFeaturesLib/SmmCpuFeaturesLib.c  |  33 +-
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/Semaphore.c     |  13 +-
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/SmmInit.nasm    |  83 +++-
 .../SmmRelocationLib/InternalSmmRelocationLib.h    | 127 +++++
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.c    | 549 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.inf  |  60 +++
 .../SmmRelocationLib/SmramSaveStateConfig.c        | 100 ++++
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib}/X64/Semaphore.c      |  13 +-
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib}/X64/SmmInit.nasm     |  85 +++-
 OvmfPkg/Microvm/MicrovmX64.dsc                     |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc                            |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32X64.dsc                         |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc                             |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/Platform.c                     |   3 +
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/Platform.h                     |   5 +
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf                |   5 +-
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/SmmRelocation.c                |  80 +++
 OvmfPkg/SmmAccess/SmmAccess2Dxe.c                  |   4 +-
 OvmfPkg/SmmAccess/SmmAccess2Dxe.inf                |   5 +
 OvmfPkg/SmmAccess/SmmAccessPei.c                   | 116 ++---
 OvmfPkg/SmmAccess/SmmAccessPei.inf                 |  11 +-
 OvmfPkg/SmmAccess/SmramInternal.c                  |  72 +--
 OvmfPkg/SmmAccess/SmramInternal.h                  |  19 +-
 UefiCpuPkg/Include/Library/SmmRelocationLib.h      |  42 ++
 .../SmmRelocationLib/AmdSmmRelocationLib.inf       |  60 +++
 .../SmmRelocationLib/AmdSmramSaveStateConfig.c     | 125 +++++
 .../SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/Semaphore.c             |  13 +-
 .../SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/SmmInit.nasm            |  83 +++-
 .../SmmRelocationLib/InternalSmmRelocationLib.h    | 127 +++++
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.c    | 549 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.inf  |  61 +++
 .../SmmRelocationLib/SmramSaveStateConfig.c        | 136 +++++
 .../SmmRelocationLib}/X64/Semaphore.c              |  13 +-
 .../SmmRelocationLib}/X64/SmmInit.nasm             |  85 +++-
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/CpuS3.c                  |  21 +-
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/MpService.c              |  10 +-
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.c         | 334 ++-----------
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h         | 103 +---
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.inf       |   4 -
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmmMpPerf.h              |   2 +-
 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/SmramSaveState.c         |  69 ---
 UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec                          |   3 +
 UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc                          |   2 +
 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc                  |   2 +
 48 files changed, 2578 insertions(+), 796 deletions(-)
 copy {UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/Semaphore.c (71%)
 copy {UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/SmmInit.nasm (47%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/InternalSmmRelocationLib.h
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.inf
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmramSaveStateConfig.c
 copy {UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib}/X64/Semaphore.c (78%)
 copy {UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
OvmfPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib}/X64/SmmInit.nasm (59%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/SmmRelocation.c
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Include/Library/SmmRelocationLib.h
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/AmdSmmRelocationLib.inf
 create mode 100644 
 rename UefiCpuPkg/{PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
Library/SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/Semaphore.c (71%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/{PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
Library/SmmRelocationLib}/Ia32/SmmInit.nasm (47%)
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.c
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmmRelocationLib.inf
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/SmmRelocationLib/SmramSaveStateConfig.c
 rename UefiCpuPkg/{PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => Library/SmmRelocationLib}/X64/Semaphore.c 
 rename UefiCpuPkg/{PiSmmCpuDxeSmm => 
Library/SmmRelocationLib}/X64/SmmInit.nasm (59%)


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