On 4/3/2024 1:38 PM, Michael D Kinney wrote:
Hi Oliver,

I missed this response.  Did not show up in thread for some reason.

No worries.

But we can continue these topics on email.

The TianoCore roles and responsibilities are documented here:


If there are maintainers are not following their responsibilities, then
please let us know and we can work together to find additional maintainers.

Thanks, as I've mentioned in several of my last patches to MdeModulePkg,
I think we need an additional top level maintainer there who is
currently active. Liming has obviously been a huge part of edk2, but has
many roles and has been quiet on MdeModulePkg patches for over a month.
His input is greatly valued, but it seems he could use some help
maintaining the package so we can keep up developer flow, I had multiple
patches that contained items such as fixes for UEFI spec violations and
boot breaks that were sitting with multiple reviews that were not
getting the maintainer review and merging in.

I think it would be very valuable to have a second MdeModulePkg top
level maintainer in any case, this covers areas such as DxeCore that
are some of the most central and complex parts of the code base and
bugs there need immediate resolution.

I don't want to put him on the spot, but I would be tempted to
nominate Ard, if he wants the added responsibility, as he is very
knowledgeable in UEFI and one of the few people who actively reviews
patches closely and timely. If he does not want the additional
maintenance burden, then I would ask the stewards to help find
a community member to take on this role with Liming.

There is not much progress on PR process.  We need resources to work on the
list of action items documented here:


Thanks for this pointer, I know the majority of active community
members report in many different forums that moving to PRs is
critical and I am confident that as a community we can make this


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