On 2/23/24 01:23, Ni, Ray wrote:
> I prefer HOB instead of dynamic PCD.
> And let's keep the new singleton HOB structure as an internal interface 
> between
> PEI MpInitLib and DXE MpInitLib.

Sounds good to me, thanks

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 8:29 PM
>> To: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
>> Cc: devel@edk2.groups.io; Oliver Steffen <ostef...@redhat.com>; Kumar,
>> Rahul R <rahul.r.ku...@intel.com>; Ni, Ray <ray...@intel.com>
>> Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 4/5] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Add support
>> for multiple HOBs to MpInitLibInitialize
>>   Hi,
>>> The code looks otherwise OK, but I'm not happy that
>>> WaitLoopExecutionMode (and StartupSignalValue) are replicated over all
>>> the HOBs, just like in v1. IMO, that will only make it harder for others
>>> to understand the code / data structures, and therefore it increases
>>> technical debt.
>>> I understand that Ray is OK with that, so I won't try to block the
>>> patch, but I'm not comfortable giving it an R-b myself, due to the
>>> increase in technical debt.
>> I can try to address that, but this certainly will be a separate
>> patch.
>> Given that the HOB structure is defined in locally in the library
>> I assume this is considered private and there are no compatibility
>> concerns when changing the structs?
>> Any preference where the fields should be moved to?  PCD?  Separate
>> HOB?  Something else?
>> take care,
>>   Gerd

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