> The code looks otherwise OK, but I'm not happy that
> WaitLoopExecutionMode (and StartupSignalValue) are replicated over all
> the HOBs, just like in v1. IMO, that will only make it harder for others
> to understand the code / data structures, and therefore it increases
> technical debt.
> I understand that Ray is OK with that, so I won't try to block the
> patch, but I'm not comfortable giving it an R-b myself, due to the
> increase in technical debt.

I can try to address that, but this certainly will be a separate

Given that the HOB structure is defined in locally in the library
I assume this is considered private and there are no compatibility
concerns when changing the structs?

Any preference where the fields should be moved to?  PCD?  Separate
HOB?  Something else?

take care,

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