On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 11:42:57AM +0530, Dhaval Sharma wrote:
> Sunil,
> I thought "WriteBackDataCacheRange not supported" is more explicit over
> "CMO not available".

> @Pedro Falcato <pedro.falc...@gmail.com> For the example you mentioned, is
> your concern more about someone not being able to notice the problem (that
> the system is non-coherent) at the time of development and later ending up
> with corrupted data during production? And you are suggesting that an
> Assert helps address that problem by making that problem more visible to
> the developer and a verbose warning does not?
> I can create a patch for CpuFlushCpuDataCache but I think we should avoid
> CMO based return in there. Because in case of InvalidateDataCacheRange we
> have an alternate implementation of fence in the absence of CMO. So it is
> better to let riscvcache decide the right implementation.
The CpuDxe interface will be the wrapper. See Arm's implementation.
Since CMO support is added now, the CpuDxe interface should be updated.


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